18 – Why coaching?

In this episode, we explore life coaching.

I wanted to talk about my amazing job (my vocation), and how it can help anyone create the most incredible results, from the very best version of who they are. How with the loving support of a life coach, you can transform pretty much any aspect of your experience, and create the most beautiful life, with a little more ease.

We discuss the importance of setting goals that are aligned with your true desires and values and the obstacles that could be in the way, preventing you from obtaining what you want most in life. 

With the help of a quick self exploration exercise, we'll try to figure out 1) where you are, 2) where you want to go, and why 3) how to get there and 4) what's missing and / or blocking you in achieving your desired outcome.

I hope you enjoy ! Thank you for being here 🙂


You can also find me at https://www.veritas-coaching.ca/

And at “The Pact 2022” on Facebook and Instagram



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