10 – The burnt out coach.

In this episode, I tell you a little bit more about me. I start by sharing with you how I went from a new entrepreneur juggling a few too many balls at once, trying to make a positive impact in people's lives and in the mental health industry, to a burnt out life coach who thought she might never be able to practice again. And then, I tell you how I started to pick myself back up, place some of those boundaries everyone's raving about, face some of my worse fears and heal some pretty deep wounds.   

If you're struggling like I was, my wish is that this episode helps you trust that there is a way out and believe that you deserve a lot better than living this way !

I hope this episode will be of some value to you, and I hope to hear from you soon. Your questions and comments are greatly appreciated. And until next time, I’m wishing you an amazing week.

Welcome and thank you for being here!

Masako Kosawa's podcast “Why not meditate?”

“How meditation helped a coach come out of burn out and coach again” :




You can also find me at https://www.veritas-coaching.ca/

And at “The Pact 2022” on Facebook and Instagram



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