
Deep breathing is our nervous system’s love language.” — Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy
I often catch myself breathing very shallowly. You know those faint impulses of inspiration and expiration of survival that keep you on constant alert, always ready to attack almost. That breath that keeps you in an energy of concern, of worry, of a perpetual state of threat or at least a feeling of needing to be somewhere else, doing something else or worse, of existing by taking up the least amount of space possible.
The more we stay unconscious about the fears and intentions that lead us by the nose, the less we breathe ! This is obviously an unnatural way to do life. And our nervous systems then become quite frazzled in response.
I love the word “Inspiration”. There are a few definition of the word :
  1. The drawing in of breath, an inhalation.
  2. The quality of being inspired.
  3. A person or thing that inspires.
  4. The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
  5. A sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea.
I truly believe that our inspiration’s reach is closely linked to our capacity to trust life, to stay permeable and able to let life influence and guide us, to be able to nourish ourselves with what’s best for us, linked to our desire to live and not only survive !
So when I do catch myself, once again having forgotten these notions hidden behind respiration, I stop myself, I drop in and I fill my belly with the available creative breath that’s always just right there for the taking. Fill myself with this hopeful potential, masked as little drops of air, that are only asking to be borrowed.
Have a great day 🙂