“Joy is the most vulnerable emotion we experience”. Brene Brown
What is your capacity for joy ?
I’m trying to plan at least one simple and purely joyful experience to look forward to everyday, and basically assuring myself that there’s at least one thing I’ll experience will be joyous in the near future. It could be a favorite meal, a massage, a trip (it ain’t but it could be), or a delicious coffee. Whether the experience is big or small doesn’t matter. The important thing is to have some joy planned, taking back that control. What I’m looking to create is an automatic response, right as a wake. And then, the important thing becomes prioritizing this joyous venture, every day. Starting my day looking for joy and then working on the expansion of allowing myself to contain and savor it, has been a game changer.
The secret doesn’t really have anything to do with the chosen moment. It’s in the movement that is created through the simple knowing that something good is coming to you. That instead of letting your mood be dictated by arbitrary outside circumstances, you can count on at least one moment. Just one ! For starters
Hope you’re in a state of joy right now, feeling completely available to (and deserving of) that delicious feeling !
Have a great day