
The best compasses.

“The best way out is always through”. Robert Frost
There is such a liberation that comes from letting our emotions have the space they need to reach our awareness, bring us the message(s) they’re advocating for and pass through us and finally be released.
“Emotion is energy in motion”. Neale Donald Walsch
Even though they can sometimes scare us, or it’s their intensity that scares us, they are just energy. They’re our compasses. They only have good intentions, always.
And the energy that we waste by trying to restrain these surges, deprives us of our creative forces and our ability to understand what is hidden behind them and therefore also robs us of our power to tend to whatever unmet need(s) is/are trying to get our attention.
Our emotions only ask of us that we welcome them and take them into consideration. Then, they leave us just as gently and naturally as they came. And the more we experience this inside flow, the less we fear these internal energetic waves, the less they need to shake us in order to get our attention and stay stuck to us, imprisoned by our resistance.
I hope you have the courage to give them access to you, to invite them without opposition, to let them guide you in the right direction and then let them go on their merry way !
Wishing you an amazing day 🙂