
“There is more to life than increasing its speed”. Gandhi

Life isn’t short. The fact that we all have an unknown expiry date, for this grand experience we call life, doesn’t mean that it’s too short. It all depends on what we choose to do with it !

The frantic pace in which we try to move from one moment to the next, without really savoring the rich content of said moments, means we completely miss out on our lives. We are then left with the impression that we’re being robbed of our time.

Today, I’m trying to slow down. Trying to appreciate and cherish what is meant to be this moment… and then the next. Trying to put on the brakes to my somewhat debilitating yearning of overachievement.

I probably won’t succeed but who knows, I just might start to acquire the taste of this newness, slowly 🙂

Have a great day !