Alive ?

“People say that what we are seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think this is what we’re really seeking. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive”. Joseph Campbell
A few weeks ago, I shared Viktor Frankl’s theory on the importance of living a life of meaning. Today’s quote seems to be a contradiction, but I don’t believe the two quotes are mutually exclusive. In fact, I feel that they complete each other !
The incessant quest to find meaning, the one that comes to haunt us during the moments in which we feel totally content being glued to our comfort zone, well it needs to come from, include and support a sense of aliveness, of being available to the experience of being fully here, fully aware and awake, fully alive ! And this vitality, this drive and this desire to be fully present and at the same time to evolve and reach bigger and higher summits, is so necessary in order to sustain our search for fulfilment. This vitality is needed to feed our aspirations to arrive at the end of our journey, with the conviction that we’ve lived a significant life, a life that was worth living, a life we are proud of and actually enjoyed sharing.
I hope you have found your motivations. The ones who give you great reasons to get out of bed in the morning, with enthusiasm and a positive outlook, when looking forward to the day on offer. The motivations that enable you to take advantage of each day, to create the life of your dreams and to contribute the very best of who you truly are at the core, without hesitation, excuses or regrets. And if you haven’t found your motivations quite yet, know that it is never too late, with the right mindset !
Have a great day 🙂