Good or bad ?

“Does this bring me alive ? Why does it bring me alive ? Do I want to do it again” ? Jay Shetty
Is this person, this situation good for me ?
We all know what’s good and what isn’t so good for us. The challenge doesn’t really lie there. The work is in embracing the stillness, connecting to it’s tranquility responsible for bringing to us any and all answers previously requested, to recognize how we actually feel in the moment (without any judgement, putting the brakes on the story which might start to creep up trying to stifle our intuition), to allow and to admit the findings to ourselves and in the commitment to make the most appropriate choice or, to accept to lose something possibly significant to us and to our equilibrium. And finally, the work is in our unwavering willingness to take responsibility for the choices we’ve made.
That’s all ! Pretty easy, no 😉
Have a great day !