Accomplished ?

“Man is pushed by drives but pulled by values”. Viktor Frankl
You’ve probably heard of the book “Man’s Search for Meaning” from the psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, in which he shares his incredibly gut wrenching story, having been imprisoned in concentration camps ? It’s obviously one of the hardest books to read, (definitely the most difficult one in my collection that’s for sure), and at the same time, it’s probably one of the single most important books I’ve ever read.
His theory (Logotherapy) surrounding fulfilment and meaning is absolutely fascinating. It suggests that we take a deeper look at human nature and its motivations. Viktor helps us recognize our essential need to have a true and clear purpose in life that drives us. That this search is our most precious quest ! That in fact the person that doesn’t have this compass to navigate their world, that is then directionless, cannot truly be accomplished and even worse, risks navigating his or her life in despair.
I don’t know about you, but anyone who’s not only survived such atrocities, but also has come through the other side with their body, mind and soul intact, is definitely someone who deserves our attention, and can probably teach us a thing or two about what constitutes the fundamentals of a successful and happy life !
Wishing you a joyous day🙂